Board of Trustees


2024年5月6日周一 @ 8:30 a.m. PT大学 Place, Wash.
August 13, 2024周二通过放大
November 11, 2024周一 @ 8:30 a.m. PT大学 Place, Wash.
2025年5月5日周一 @ 8:30 a.m. PTRidgefield, Wash. (NPUC办公室)
August 19, 2025周二通过放大
November 10, 2025周一 @ 8:30 a.m. PT大学 Place, Wash.


John Freedman


生物: John Freedman has served the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a pastor 和 administrator since 1981. 从安德鲁斯大学神学院毕业后, he 和 Malinda began their pastoral ministry in the New Jersey Conference before moving to the Rocky Mountain Conference in 1987 to pastor the Littleton, Colorado SDA Church. In 1993 John was called to the Northern California Conference to be senior pastor of the Roseville, California SDA Church. John began his administrative ministry in 1998 in the 华盛顿 Conference when he was called to be the Ministerial, 传道及管理主任. 2001年,他被任命为行政副总统,2002年, 约翰被选为华盛顿会议主席, where he served for 14 years. 他于2016年9月当选为北太平洋联盟主席. 约翰热衷于在世人面前高举耶稣基督和永恒的福音. He loves seeing a life changed by the power of the gospel 和 the work of the Holy Spirit.

John enjoys 阅读 books 和 walking with his wife--especially along the ocean coast line. 约翰和玛琳达有三个特别的儿子, two awesome daughters-in-law, 还有三个可爱的孙子——都是男孩.

Joyce Newmyer


生物: Joyce Newmyer于2016年加入澳门威尼斯人直营网站董事会. 她拥有加州州立大学工商管理学士学位, 在圣弗雷斯诺大学获得卫生服务管理硕士学位. Francis University.

Joyce is the President of Adventist 健康 Oregon, 和 chief people officer for Adventist 健康. Previous to that, 她曾担任华盛顿基督复临医院的院长, 肖尼特派团医疗中心的首席运营官, 田纳西基督教医疗中心的首席运营官.

她的爱好是绘画、音乐、编织和阅读. She is also a worship leader.

Joyce 和 her husb和, G.J.他有四个成年子女和四个孙辈.


大学 Place,华盛顿

生物: 约翰·麦克维恩是美国华盛顿大学沃拉沃拉大学校长.

2006年8月,他和家人从安德鲁斯大学(Andrews University)来到美国西北部, Berrien Springs, Michigan where he served as Professor of New Testament 和 Associate Dean (1998-2000) 和 Dean (2000-2006) of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary. 早些时候, 约翰在安格温的太平洋联合学院教书, 在加州的宗教部门工作了十三年, 有一段时间, 担任校园教会主任牧师. 在此之前,他曾在爱荷华州和乔治亚州担任牧师.

约翰毕业于乔治亚-坎伯兰学院(Calhoun), 乔治亚州), 南方基督复临大学, 田纳西州), Andrews University, 以及英国谢菲尔德大学, which awarded him a Ph.D. 在1995年的新约研究中. 他的论文集中于《澳门威尼斯人直营网站》中的教会主题. A specialist in the later Pauline Epistles, he contributes regularly to professional publications.

约翰的妻子帕姆·奥尔堡·麦维是一名产科护士和活动策划人. 他们有两个孩子,马歇尔和梅西,都是WWU的毕业生,都是牧师.


Federal Way,华盛顿

生物: 道格拉斯·L. Bing于2016年12月13日加入了沃拉沃拉大学董事会.

宾被认为是一个有远见的人, 关系, consensus building leader who enjoys working with teams 和 prayerfully seeking God's guidance. He is experienced in church growth, church planting, outreach, young adult mentoring, 和 education.

宾在内布拉斯加州的奥马哈开始了他的牧师工作.作为一名青年和青年牧师. He went on to pastor an academy campus church 和 a large metro church in Kansas before coming in 2001 to 华盛顿 Conference as ministerial director. 2002年,他被选为行政副总统, 作为行政团队的积极成员.

他获得了安德鲁斯大学的神学硕士学位. He also earned a Bachelor of Arts in Theology 和 a Bachelor of Science in 会计 from Union 大学. 在联合学院读书时,他作为学生传教士在印度尼西亚待了一年.




生物: 加里Botimer于2022年重新加入了沃拉沃拉大学董事会. 他毕业于洛马林达医学院. 是一名退休的整形外科医生.

Gary enjoys woodworking, cross-country motorcycle trips, 和 most of all being with his family.

He 和 his wife, Jacquie, 有四个孩子(和他们的配偶一样都毕业于WWU)和七个孙子女.

Columbus C和ies, Jr.


生物: Columbus C和ies, Jr. 于2022年成为澳门威尼斯人直营网站董事会成员.  他于1983年毕业于洛马林达大学,获得物理治疗学士学位, completed a graduate program in 健康 Administration/Public Administration receiving a MPA/HA from 波特兰 State University, 和 received his Ph.D. 2008年获得爱达荷大学教育与领导学硕士学位. 

哥伦布在1984年开了第一家私人诊所. He also opened 和 successfully managed over three dozen successful outpatient therapy clinics for organizations such as St Lukes Idaho Elks Rehab Services, RehabAuthority, Providence St Joseph’s in Thurston county 和 Direct Orthopedic Care (a national orthopedic immediate care company). His most recent business development endeavors include outpatient clinics in Texas 和 California. 他是一些地方和区域卫生保健委员会的成员, is an educator, 物理治疗行业的创新者和梦想家.

Columbus has also been a leader in the churches he has attended serving as head elder while two churches in the north pacific union were transitioning between pastors. His outreach passion includes health ministries, youth, pathfinders 和 music ministries.

他是全国人大校董会成员,对教育充满热情, a member of Auburn Adventist Academy’s Equity 多样性 和 Accountability Committee as well as serving as Ombuds for the Academy. 哥伦布最近再婚,有7个孩子和6个孙子孙女. 爱好包括运动、建筑与设计、园艺和园林绿化. He loves being with family.

Travis Crumley

Kalispell, Montana

生物: 特拉维斯·克拉姆利于2022年加入澳门威尼斯人直营网站董事会. 他以B的成绩毕业于沃拉沃拉大学.S.E. 主修计算机工程,辅修数学和音乐.

他是谷歌的一名软件工程师,专门从事前端网络开发. 特拉维斯在蒙大拿州的卡利斯佩尔远程工作. He is a member of the Kalispell SDA Church 和 is part of the worship team his wife started there.

Travis 和 his wife Cora (also a WWU alum) have ten-month-old identical twins, Daja 和 Zaelynn. 他喜欢滑雪,大多数水上活动,和家人在山上徒步旅行. 也喜欢和朋友一起玩游戏(棋盘游戏和电子游戏)和制作音乐.



生物: 洛厄尔·库珀于2016年加入沃拉沃拉大学董事会. He holds a master of divinity degree from Andrews University 和 a master’s degree from Loma Linda University School of Public 健康. 2011年,他被洛马林达大学授予荣誉博士学位.

Lowell retired in 2015 from his position as general vice president of the Seventh-day Adventist world church, a position he held since 1998. 在复临世界教会总部工作之前, Cooper held pastoral 和 departmental leadership roles in Canada followed by more than 16 years of service in Pakistan 和 India.

他和他的妻子Rae Lee现在居住在三城(西澳)。. They have two adult children.

Stephanie Gates


生物: 斯蒂芬妮·盖茨于2014年加入澳门威尼斯人直营网站董事会. 她是沃拉沃拉学院的校友,1997年毕业,成绩为B.S. 在初级教育和未成年人保健和幼儿教育方面. 她于2005年在沃拉沃拉学院完成了她的MAT领导力.

Stephanie is the Principal of Cascade Christian Academy where she loves her job 和 the diversity of working with students age 1 through 12th 年级.

她很高兴能教不同年级的学生. 在西雅图,她教1-3年级、K-2年级、3-5年级,最后教6年级th-8th. 从西雅图,斯蒂芬妮和她的家人搬到了伯灵顿,她在那里教书th 曾任Skagit Adventist school K-12学校副校长. 2009年春,她成为帕利塞德基督教学院的校长. And then in the summer of 2012, 她后来成为了CCA的校长, where she is today.


基思 哈勒姆


生物: 基思•哈勒姆 joined the Walla Walla University Board of Trustees in 2022 when he was elected to serve as Vice President for Education at the North Pacific Union Conference.

基思1983年毕业于沃拉沃拉学院, 获得科技教育理学学士学位. He began his career at Wisconsin Academy teaching various technology vocational courses 和 serving in guidance counseling, academic registrar, 和 administration. After receiving his Master’s degree in Education Administration in 1990 from Andrews University, 他进入了全职行政部门. 基思 served as principal of Enterprise Academy for four years 和 at Auburn Adventist Academy for 14 years. He then transitioned to conference leadership as the Vice President for Education at Potomac Conference for eight years. 下一个, 基思 answered a call to ministry at the Southern Union Conference as Associate Director for Secondary Education in July 2017 和 then in 2021 served as Director for Education.

基督复临安息日会的教育对基思来说远比私立教育重要. He has personal experience underst和ing the evangelism responsibility 和 potential that every teacher 和 administrator has for sharing the assurance of salvation given to each of us in Jesus Christ.




生物: 克林特·赫斯于2022年加入澳门威尼斯人直营网站董事会. 

Clint is the senior vice president of Business Intelligence at 阿拉斯加 USA Federal Credit Union. 他得了B.A. in economics 和 B.B.A. 从阿拉斯加大学金融学毕业, 和 a Master of Business Administration in global finance from 阿拉斯加 Pacific University.

He is the head elder at the Northside Seventh-day Adventist Church in Anchorage, 阿拉斯加.

克林特喜欢远足、划船、旅游和学习. 他和娜迪亚有两个孩子,扎卡里和安娜.

Sergio Hern和ez

Walla Walla,华盛顿

生物: 塞尔吉奥·埃尔南德斯于2022年加入澳门威尼斯人直营网站董事会. 他毕业于太平洋联合学院和华盛顿州立大学.

塞尔吉奥是沃拉沃拉大学教会(上哥伦比亚会议)的成员.). 他的爱好包括骑自行车,打高尔夫球,和他的孙子们在一起.

Sergio 和 his wife, 温迪, 毕业于华盛顿大学,是一名移民律师, 你有两个孩子和四个孙子吗.


Payette, Idaho

生物: 伊冯·伊瓦萨(伊冯·埃瓦萨)于2016年加入澳门威尼斯人直营网站董事会. 她于1988年获得沃拉沃拉大学社会工作学士学位, 在加州州立大学获得社会学硕士学位, Fullerton in 1992. She spent ten years of her professional career at Treasure Valley Community college where she was Social Science Department 椅子 和 sociology instructor before leaving to be a full-time parent. 她目前在爱达荷州博伊西担任私人执业顾问.

Yvonne serves on the Idaho Conference Personnel Committee 和 the boards of Abba's Child Grief Camps 和 Impact Hope.


Yvonne嫁给了Dan Iwasa,他也曾就读于WWU,是一名验光师. 他们住在爱达荷州的帕耶特,有三个孩子:卡莉、Makoto和克洛伊.

David Jamieson


生物: David Jamieson joined the Walla Walla University Board of Trustees after his election as the president of the Upper Columbia Conference in December 2021.

在山谷教堂做牧师之前, 贾米森曾担任加拿大东部纽芬兰会议主席. He has traveled worldwide, speaking at conferences, 和 sharing seminars for pastors 和 laity highlighting topics related to pastoral leadership, community outreach, 和 evangelism. 另外, 他是“大声说出信仰加拿大”的发言人兼导演, 30分钟, five-days-a-week radio program, 全加拿大广播.

贾米森曾就读于加拿大联合学院(现缅甸大学)。. He later went on to receive a Master of Divinity degree from Andrews University in 1989 和 returned in 2009 to receive a Doctor of Ministry degree with an emphasis in evangelism 和 church growth.

Jamieson 和 his wife, Sh和ra, have four children--Shantel, Stacia, 约书亚, 和杰瑞德,都上过沃拉沃拉大学. 他们最大的孩子香黛儿住在华盛顿州的伯灵顿.她的丈夫内森(Nathan)和儿子贾米森(Jamieson). 他们的第二个女儿斯塔西亚住在华盛顿州的弗农山., with her husb和 Michael. Their eldest son, 约书亚, daughter-in-law, Emily, 和 youngest son, Jared, live in Loma Linda, Calif.

Steve Kreitner

Kalispell, Montana

生物: 史蒂夫·克雷特纳于2016年加入澳门威尼斯人直营网站董事会. 他于1989年毕业于南方基督复临大学,获得学士学位.A. 历史以及宗教辅修和中等教育教学证书. In 1992 he earned his J.D. 巴尔的摩大学法学院毕业.


史蒂夫是卡利斯佩尔教会(蒙大拿会议)的成员.). 他喜欢和家人在一起, 滑雪, 跑马拉松,在冰川国家公园消磨时光.


Mileen Loeffler


生物: Mileen Loeffler于2022年加入澳门威尼斯人直营网站董事会. Mileen has a B.S. 洛马林达大学行为科学和心理学专业.

Mileen于2018年从Integra退休,担任客户服务执行董事. 她在长期护理行业拥有丰富的知识和经验.

她是第五代基督复临安息日会信徒. Is a member of the Auburn Academy Board, serving on the Finance 和 Residential 住房 committees.

米琳在华盛顿生活了30年,她喜欢雨! 她有一个女儿,一个儿子和两个孙女.

米琳和她的丈夫在津巴布韦做了三年的医疗传教士. 她在安德森学校教书,而她的丈夫做牙医.



生物: 尤金·刘易斯于2021年加入世界自然大学董事会, 为大学关系及发展委员会提供服务. He is the regional ministries coordinator of the 华盛顿 Conference 和 Emerald City Seventh-day Adventist Church senior pastor​. He has served as senior pastor of several churches in the Pacific Northwest as well as associate pastor of the Oakwood 大学 University Church​.

尤金曾担任美国男篮的队长和教练.S. 空军篮球队,带领球队七连冠

他喜欢修复他的64年别克里维埃拉(Buick Riviera)




生物: 丹Linrud joined the Walla Walla University Board of Trustees after his election as the president of the Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists on December 19, 2016.

林鲁德出生并成长在华盛顿州西北部. He attended Canadian Union 大学 (now Burman University) where he earned a Bachelor of Theology. 在此期间,他结识了大学时代的恋人魏尔伦·科库姆,并与之结婚. 完成学士学位后, Linrud was hired by the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference in Canada 和 sponsored to Seminary to earn his Master of Divinity at Andrews University. While at Seminary, Linrud transferred to the 华盛顿 Conference where he served as a pastor from 1988-1998 in the greater Seattle area. In 1998, 丹牧师接受呼召去加拿大安大略大会服事, 首先担任一个大教会的主任牧师, 然后作为一个基于小团体的新教会植堂的创始牧师, 上帝保佑他们从16人成长到近200人. In 2005 Linrud earned a Doctor of Ministry with an emphasis on discipleship in small group ministry. In 2009 Lindrud was called to serve as Executive 秘书 (VP for Administration) for the Ontario Conference. And in 2013 Linrud accepted the invitation to return to the Northwest to serve as Assistant to the President in the Oregon Conference.

Family is dear to Linrud 和 he 和 Verlaine enjoy many activities with their two grown daughters. Favorite interests include outdoor activities, travel, 阅读, 体育, good food 和 fellowship.

Linrud's personal mission statement is: "To engage in authentic relationship with God 和 others that I may know, love 和 serve Him 和 them, 帮助别人在基督里达到他们最大的潜能,为他的荣耀."

Bill McClendon


生物: Bill McClendon joined the Walla Walla University Board of Trustees after his election as vice president of administration for the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in April 2018.

Bill 和 his wife, Shirlene, 他是一名教师,最近在埃利科特市担任儿童事工牧师, have one married daughter.


Anchorage, 阿拉斯加

生物: 凯文·米勒 joined the Walla Walla University Board of Trustees after his election as the president of the 阿拉斯加 Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in July 2016. 他得了B.A. 在美国南方复临大学获得神学学士学位.Div. from Liberty University.

2007年,他开始在阿拉斯加州安克雷奇的北侧SDA教会担任牧师. In 2010 he became part-time pastor of Northside 和 assumed part-time duties as vice-president, 阿拉斯加会议的部长. 他还担任阿拉斯加国民警卫队牧师团的牧师.




生物: 凯西·摩根于2022年加入澳门威尼斯人直营网站董事会. 她就读于WWU,并以B的成绩毕业.S. 从奥林匹克学院获得护理学学士学位.

Kathy is an RN at St. Michael's Hospital in cardiovascular critical care 和 teaches as an adjunct nursing professor.

She as served in various positions at church including as well as 华盛顿 Conference Board of Education 和 Executive Committee. She enjoys gardening, 阅读, 针织, 公路之旅, visiting national parks, 花时间和孙子孙女们在一起.

凯西在沃拉沃拉学院认识了她的丈夫丹尼斯. 他们有两个儿子,两个女儿和五个孙子. 他们的三个孩子都嫁给了WWU的毕业生.


Bozeman, Montana

生物: 肯·诺顿 joined the Walla Walla University Board of Trustees after his election as the president of the Montana Conference in March 2021.

诺顿在牧区和教育方面都有丰富的事工历史. 作为关岛-密克罗尼西亚代表团的主席, 他监督着一个宣教场,那里每年都有许多传教士, 他们中的许多人都是为该组织的10多所学校服务的实习教师. 他对教会植堂和传福音充满热情, having served as Florida Conference church planting director 和 as president/director of the Lay Institute for Evangelism.

His more than 22 years of pastor ministry experience has included serving on the pastoral team of the 大学dale Adventist Church on the campus of Southern Adventist University in Tennessee. 他还曾担任SAU的兼职教授.


W. 托德•帕斯科


生物: W. 托德·帕斯科于2016年加入澳门威尼斯人直营网站董事会. 他得了B.A. 在沃拉沃拉大学获得历史学士学位.D. 路易斯西北大学法学院毕业 & 克拉克.

托德是一名律师,拥有自己的律师事务所. 他专门研究刑法和家事法, 活出一种呼召,尊重他所服务的每一个人. He taught at Gem State Academy (1982-1985) 和 now co-teaches Start Law at Columbia Adventist Academy (2018-present).

托德喜欢和家人在一起, being active in church, 体育, 探索从峡谷到太平洋的户外活动. Todd 和 his wife, 劳拉, 和 are blessed with daughter, 萨凡纳, 谁在沃拉沃拉大学上学.

大卫·普雷斯特, Jr.


生物: 大卫·普雷斯特, Jr. became a member of Walla Walla University Board of Trustees after being elected conference president at the Idaho Conference in 2011.

David holds a B.A. 在南方教会学院获得神学学位.

David began his ministry in the Carolina Conference before heading to 阿拉斯加 as pastor of the Hillside O’Malley Church for six years. 其中有五年他是探路者的导演.

在接受他在爱达荷州会议的职位之前, 大卫是蒙大拿会议的部长. Now, as President of the Idaho Conference he chairs many committees 和 participates in several more.




生物: 标志着. Remboldt was named to the Walla Walla University Board of Trustees in 2008 when he became the North Pacific Union Conference treasurer.

Remboldt has worked at the NPUC since January 2005 和 has a background of domestic 和 international financial management experience. Before joining the NPUC, 伦堡与许多教会实体合作,包括山景教堂, Northern California, 和 华盛顿 conferences, Auburn Adventist Academy, 以及前东非司.

A 1981 graduate of WWU, Remboldt还拥有安德鲁斯大学(Andrews University)工商管理硕士学位.

He 和 his wife, 珍妮, make their home in La Center,华盛顿, 和 have two children, Anthony 和 Amy, both students at WWU.



生物: 保罗Rhynard于2016年重新加入沃拉沃拉大学董事会. 2006-2011年,他曾担任董事会成员. 

他于2004年毕业于沃拉沃拉学院,获得金融工商管理硕士学位, 并于2012年获得弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院MBA学位. 他也是沃拉沃拉学院学生联合会的前任主席.

保罗是威尔金森烘焙公司的首席执行官, 约书亚·格林公司前执行副总裁, 和, most recently, 他是罗素投资公司的首席战略官.

Paul目前在西雅图生活和工作,他的妻子是Deanne Rhynard(2004)。. 他们有两个儿子,福特和奥托.

Jaime Rodriguez

New York, New York

生物: Jaime Rodriguez于2016年加入澳门威尼斯人直营网站董事会, with service on the Academic Planning Committee 和 the Hispanic Service Institution Taskforce. 他毕业于Milton-Stateline SDA School, Walla Walla Valley Academy, 和 Walla Walla University. 他有个M.A. 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校拉丁美洲研究博士.D. 哥伦比亚大学拉丁美洲史博士.

Jaime是圣何塞大学的全球历史副教授. 纽约皇后区的约翰大学. He enjoys coaching youth track, 运行, 参加交响音乐会, museum exhibits, 和 Broadway theater.

他的妻子琳达·阿卜杜勒-马雷克(Linda Abdel-Malek)(也是WWU校友)是一名医疗保健律师. They have two young daughters, Lina 和 Selma, 他们是曼哈顿降临希望教会的成员.



生物: 布鲁斯·索恩于2022年加入沃拉沃拉大学董事会. 他曾在WWU董事会任职,包括担任副主席.

Bruce graduated with a B.S. 在获得沃拉沃拉大学工商管理硕士学位之前.D. 威拉米特大学的税务法学硕士,佛罗里达大学的税务法学硕士.

他在房地产开发和投资方面拥有近30年的经验. 他曾担任Holiday Retirement Corp .的董事、副总裁和秘书., one of the largest owner/operators of senior housing units in the world until the sale of the company 和 its affiliates.

Bruce has taught courses in real estate 和 finance as an adjunct professor at the WWU School of Business.


Walla Walla,华盛顿

生物: 罗恩·威尔金森于2016年加入沃拉沃拉大学董事会, 提供审核覆核服务, 以及财务和设施委员会.. 他得了B.A. 沃拉沃拉学院的神学学位.

他是一位企业家,也是基督教教育的坚定支持者. 他曾在多个社区委员会任职. 他的爱好包括摄影、阅读、远足和旅行.
